"Every Seed you plant contains within itself an enormous amount of information about the Universe.... " 'Anastasia, Chapter 11, Book 1 of the RingingCedar Series by Vladmir Megre'
In the “Ringing Cedar Series” by Vladimir Megrè, Anastasia stated:"Every seed you plant contains within itself an enormous amount of information about the Universe….. Through the help of this data the seed knows the exact time……. when it is to come alive, grow - what juices it is to take from the Earth, how to make use of the rays of the celestial bodies the Sun, Moon and stars, what it is to grow into, what fruit to bring forth. These fruits are designed to sustain Man's life. More powerfully and effectively than any manufactured drugs of the present or future, these fruits are capable of counteracting and withstanding any disease of the human body. But to this end the seed must know about the human condition. So that during the maturation process it can satiate its fruit with the right correlation of substances to heal a specific individual of his disease, if indeed he has it or is prone to it.”Chapter 11 Book 1
For 15 years I have tried and successfully failed at gardening. I have learnt an amazing amount – very little about gardening but much in regard to what Nature wants me to learn. One such example: I was about to be away for a month studying natural therapies. When I planted my seedlings in the ground I found myself worrying about who would weed the garden whilst I was away. Upon my return I raced up to the garden to see how my plants were doing. There before my eyes I had this six foot high forest of weeds. I found my little seedlings lost among them all and they hadn’t grown a single centimetre. Thus the lesson of what you focus on is what you get! So graphic! Oh! I can laugh now! (Perhaps there is room in the world for a book called, ‘What My Garden has Taught Me!’).
One of my greatest pleasures, particularly early morning, is to wander around and graze in the Garden, a raspberry here and a peach there.
Below is a video by Sergie Boutenko and Briana Lescher showing a variety of green smoothies, inspiring us to be creative with our garden produce.
♥6. 1 large handful of Spinach, 1 Banana, 1 cup frozen Strawberries, 1 Orange, small piece of Ginger, 2 cups water.
♥7. 1 young Coconut, ½ of a small Pineapple, ½ Pear, 5 Leaves of Romaine Lettuce.
♥8. 1 cup frozen Raspberries, 5 leaves Red Leaf Lettuce, 1 Red Apple, 1 Green Apple, ½ of a small Pineapple, 2 cups water.
♥9. 1 large handful of Spinach, ¾ of Orange Bell Pepper, ½ an Avocado, 3 cloves Garlic, 2 Tomatoes, 2 cups of water (Savory Smoothie).
♥10. ½ an Avocado, 2 Tomatoes, pinch of Cayenne Pepper, pinch of Salt, ½ of a Red Onion, 1 bunch Parsley, 1 Orange Bell Pepper, 2 cups water (Savory Smoothie).
♥11. 2 Bananas, 3 pieces of Celery, 1 head of Red Leaf Lettuce, 2 cups water.
♥12. 2 leaves Purple Kale, 2 leaves Collard Greens, 2 Bananas, ½ an Asian Pear, 2 cups water, 1 cup frozen Raspberries.
♥13. 1 cup frozen Blueberries, ¼ pound Spinach, 1 Orange, 1 cup water.
♥14. 4 Tomatoes, 1 Red Bell Pepper, 1bunch Basil, ½ an Avocado.
♥15. 1 young Coconut, carrot tops from young carrots, ½ an Avocado 1 banana, 2 cups water.